A structural analysis provides insights into how an unusual variety of amyloid beta fibrils form in familial Alzheimer’s Figure 1: A new W-shaped structural model of E22G 40-residue beta-amyloid ...
Our laboratory is aiming to develop novel applications of thin-film devices such as organic electronics as well as to explore their fundamental study. More specifically, electronic and/or photonic ...
Figure 1: Barbara Latacz, a member of the BASE team at CERN, adjusting the BASE experiment’s cryostat. The new device can cool an antiproton in just 8 minutes ...
On October 4, RIKEN and Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) held the RIKEN-BNL Joint Workshop with RIKEN President Gonokami and BNL Laboratory Director JoAnne Hewett in attendance. The morning ...
This Group conducts programs at “RI Beam Factory (RIBF)”, and explores exotic nuclear structures and dynamics in exotic nuclei with largely imbalanced proton and neutron numbers. Our aim is to develop ...
The missions of the RIKEN Center for Quantum Computing (RQC) are to deepen our understanding of quantum mechanics and quantum information, develop techniques for quantum control and measurement, build ...
Our laboratory aims to contribute to solving social issues such as the decrease and depletion of natural resources and to advance environmental resource science research through research on chemical ...
(NIMS Electron Microscopy Group, Advanced Materials Characterization Field, Center for Basic Research on Materials) ...
We are pleased to announce that the RIKEN BDR Symposium 2025 "Towards Redesigning Lifecycles" will be held on March 3 to 5, 2025 at RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Kobe, Japan. We hope ...
蚊に血を吸われると、皮膚がかゆくなるだけでなく、感染症を引き起こす原因にもなります。そのため長年にわたって吸血の仕組みが研究されてきました。佐久間 知佐子 上級研究員は、蚊が「血を吸い終わる」仕組みに着目し、血液に存在するあるシグナルを発見しました。
ある社会規範の下での、意見相関の強さと協力の安定性の関係。横軸は意見の相関の強さを表す。右端では意見が完全に同調し、左端では意見が統計的に独立になる。縦軸は、協力行動で被協力者が受ける利益の大きさを表すパラメーター。青い領域で協力行動が安定して維持さ ...