Cornelius Van Til was a distinguished theologian who left liberal Princeton Seminary in 1929 to join the faculty of ...
Hanukkah — known as “the festival of lights” — is a time of reflection and celebration for Jews across the world. Typically, ...
Giving Tuesday that takes place this year on Dec. 2. Thanks to our NewsMatch campaign, we have the opportunity to make your ...
A father is suing the prominent Texas megachurch First Baptist Church Dallas for allegedly mishandling his son’s sexual abuse ...
It’s crucial for readers to understand that while Islamic radicals have killed Christian believers by the thousands, they ...
Thanksgiving Day isn’t just about parades, crowded airports, football games and a turkey dinner. The U.S. holiday also has ...
Mississippi College will become Mississippi Christian University, a statement from the school’s board of trustees announced.
Angel Studios can’t seem to catch a break from controversy. Its first big hit, the film “Sound of Freedom,” was heavily ...
I’ve got some pretty fun data to work with today — it’s got a great name: “The Many-Analysts Religion Project,” and it asks a ...
For Indigenous activists, walking the land can take on powerful spiritual and political significance. It has been, and ...
When Jesus told Pilate, “My kingdom isn’t of this world. If it were, my followers would be fighting,” he was saying, in ...
Archegos founder Bill Hwang, formerly one of the wealthiest evangelical philanthropists, will spend 18 years in prison for ...