FCA announces decision to fine Crispin Odey £1.8m and ban him from the UK financial services industry for a lack of integrity ...
Tesco has announced a pay rise for its store employees from 30 March, following negotiations with Usdaw trade union.
With mandatory ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting on the horizon for large employers, Kavitha Sivasubramaniam looks ...
Cabinet Office instructs government departments and agencies to freeze almost all 20,000 credit cards as part of crackdown on wasteful spending.
Tri-service team to handle bullying, discrimination and harassment complaints, 'independent' of army, air force and navy chain of command.
National Pharmacy Association advises 6,000 member pharmacies to work to rule, if sufficient funding is not delivered by government.
Acas appoints North America Trade Commissioner Niall Mackenzie as its new chief executive, effective 1 May 2025.