The Marvel Cinematic Universe started with the likes of Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. The new DC universe begins with a ...
When Marvel Studios kicked off its cinematic universe in 2008, it began with a semi-realistic and grounded story of a playboy ...
I am SO excited for Captain Marvel. This movie has the potential to take the ENTIRE Marvel Cinematic Universe and flip it on ...
Taika Waititi was in for a shock when he agreed to direct Thor: Ragnarok.
Child actor Jack Veal took to TikTok on Sunday, December 1 to ask his followers for help.
Josh Brolin was the big baddie of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with his portrayal of Thanos several films, culminating in his role as the primary antagonist of 2018's Avengers: Infinity War and ...
Thor is one of the most important characters within the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Chris Hemsworth's portrayal helped ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe boasts some of the greatest actors working in modern Hollywood. For many of them, however, ...
Hannah John-Kamen is returning as Ghost in Thunderbolts*.
First Steps is nearing the end of filming, with just two weeks left in production. The film introduces the iconic superhero ...
A bikini photo of Marvel Cinematic Universe star Brie Larson has gone viral online long after it was originally posted on ...