It is important to urge the government to accept these NAMs into the chemical risk assessment frameworks in a timely manner.
Animal Justice is paying tribute to 13 incredible women animal lawyers in Canada who are actively using the law to build a ...
During the 2021 federal election, the Liberal Party campaigned on a promise to ban the export of horses for slaughter ...
After an Animal Justice investigation at a Manitoba ferret mill, a major US rescue group has pledged $50,000 to save the animals.
The Canadian government promised to end this practice, but horses are still enduring long and deadly journeys overseas.
WINNIPEG—Following the release of heartbreaking undercover footage, a major U.S.-based ferret rescue group has offered its ...
WINNIPEG—Following revelations that most shipments of horses from Winnipeg to Japan for slaughter exceed the 28-hour legal limit for transport without food, water, and rest, a Manitoba horse exporter ...
Last week, the Niagara Falls Committee of Adjustments approved a request from Marineland to split up its property—despite lack of clarity about what this means for the dozens of marine animals still ...
Marineland has euthanized a seven-year-old beluga whale, Eos, citing health issues. Her death marks the 20th cetacean loss at the park since 2019. This heartbreaking tragedy is unsurprising given the ...