Mauritius, Chagos Archipelago and Trump

DONALD Trump could yet step in to block Britain’s £8billion handover of the Chagos Islands, Nigel Farage has claimed. The ...
The Conservative leader says she remains opposed to a deal, despite US President Donald Trump signalling support.
Suspected military build-up on two tiny islands of Agaléga is at heart of tussle for dominance in the Indian Ocean ...
But some Republicans worry about handover to Mauritius, a close China ally, as archipelago includes US-British military base ...
The Mauritian government has been urged to renege on a deal for the Chagos Islands and demand more in reparations from the ...
Concerns raised over potential Chinese involvement in future developments on archipelago after Labour hands territory over ...
The PM said the uplift would boost ‘our capability on defence and security in Europe’, but stopped short of ruling out using ...
In Episode 1615 of #CutTheClutter, ThePrint Editor-in-Chief Shekhar Gupta discusses changing geopolitical dynamics—past, ...